Our Beliefs
What We Believe
You can find a more detailed description of our beliefs in the Baptist Faith and Message.
The Bible is God’s Word to all people. Though penned by human authors, their words were both miraculously guided and fully protected from human error by God’s Holy Spirit. God is the Bible’s primary subject while revealing His eternal plan to redeem and restore all of creation is its primary story.
God is the Holy Creator and remains in charge of our world and us. While God is bigger than any category of human language, He’s pleased to reveal His eternal nature to us in three Persons we call the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One Holy God eternally exists as three Divine Persons.
Since we are made in God’s image, all people stand at the top of God’s created order and are worthy of dignity and respect. We were made to love Him and eternally enjoy Him. But rather than rejoicing in Him, we rebelled against Him and became incurably sinful rebels toward all things holy, righteous, and good.
Our sincere love for God stopped when we rebelled, but God’s love for us did not. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross demonstrates the necessary lengths to which our gracious God goes to save people. Only by submitting to Him and trusting in Jesus Christ to save us and free us from sin can we experience forgiveness and the full abundant life God created us to enjoy.
The last assignment Jesus gave His followers before ascending to heaven was that we should share with everyone the good news of our redemption through His sacrifice and resurrection. This good news is able to transform anyone to become a disciple of Jesus Christ that follows His teachings and example for life.
The grace of Jesus Christ and God’s nature compel us to love our neighbors and our community. We desire mercy and justice for all people and oppose all evil and unjust acts and systems that harm and oppress people. We are especially concerned for our neglected neighbors such as orphans and widows without family.